What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in South Carolina

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in South Carolina

South Carolina is a beautiful state for a motorcycle ride. Whether you are watching the color change on the trees along the Blue Ridge Parkway, passing through on a road trip from North Carolina to Georgia, or just out on your daily commute, there are some amazing views. Unfortunately, even if you take all necessary precautions, accidents can still happen. 

Motorcycle accidents generally result in severe to catastrophic injuries for the motorcycle driver. If you have been in a South Carolina motorcycle accident caused by another person or party, you should not have to be responsible for the damage. Receiving the compensation you are entitled to is rarely as easy as it should be. Knowing what to do after a motorcycle accident in South Carolina can help make the process a little smoother. 

Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident

Before you even consider the steps to take when determining what to do after a motorcycle accident, it is important to note that your health takes priority above everything. If you need medical attention, do not hesitate to call emergency medical personnel and proceed directly to the hospital in whatever way the professionals deem necessary. Everything else can wait. 

Get Out of the Road

Safety first. If it is possible to move you and your motorcycle off the road, you should do so. You do not want to chance that other drivers may not see you and fail to slow down or stop to avoid causing additional damage. 

Call Local Law Enforcement

Depending on where the accident occurred, the police, sheriff’s department, or highway patrol may be the first to arrive on the scene. The officer will create a report detailing the accident, which will be useful when proving what occurred. 

Take Photos of the Accident Scene

Photos are a great way to record evidence, and using your smartphone will be sufficient. Take photos of all vehicles involved as well as the larger accident scene, which may help indicate the direction of travel and traffic conditions. It is also a good idea to take photos of any injuries. 

Talk to Witnesses

The law enforcement officer should record witness contact information, but it is also good to have it for yourself. You never know when someone may write down a number incorrectly. This may also be good information for your attorney to have. 

Seek Medical Attention

Again, if you have emergency medical needs, forget everything else and make sure you are taken care of. If your needs are not urgent or you are not sure if you are injured, you should still be seen by a medical professional. You may not be experiencing noticeable pain at the time of the accident, but some injuries can take days, weeks, or months to be fully realized. The sooner you can be seen, the better. And a visit to the doctor will also create important information should you need to pursue compensation for your injuries.

Contact a South Carolina Personal Injury Attorney

You do not want to take on insurance companies or navigate the South Carolina legal system alone. When determining what steps to take after a motorcycle accident, contacting an experienced Greenville motorcycle accident attorney is crucial for ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve

What Not to Do After a Motorcycle Accident 

Knowing what not to do after a motorcycle accident is often just as important as knowing what to do after a motorcycle accident. It is very important that you do not admit or imply guilt regarding the cause of the accident. Even the most innocent statement like, “I am so sorry,” can be misconstrued and harm your case. There is no need to lie, but there is no need to volunteer additional information to the driver, law enforcement, and especially not to insurance companies.

What to Expect After a Motorcycle Accident

Anticipate that you will need to take a few days to process what has happened and cope with the immediate hardship of your injuries. Your next steps will involve communication with the insurance company. It is best to contact a South Carolina personal injury lawyer before this interaction, but that can be done at any time during the process of seeking fair compensation. Note that you only have three years to file a lawsuit from the date the accident occurred. 

When thinking through what to expect after a motorcycle accident, you should understand that insurance companies benefit from you accepting a fast settlement that may not cover the full extent of the damage that you have sustained. They will also try and place the blame on you, if at all possible. In South Carolina, fault is assigned under a principle called comparative negligence. This means that you may be able to recover compensation even if you were partially responsible for the accident, so long as you weren’t more responsible than the other party. 

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

At the Peace Law Firm, we have decades of experience representing motorcycle victims in our community. We are committed to providing compassionate, professional legal representation to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule your free case consultation, and let us guide you through what to do after a motorcycle accident.

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