What Does an ERISA Attorney Do?

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was passed in the 1970s to help shore up the nation’s pension system after a series of high-profile implosions. ERISA sets standards that plan administrators must follow that safeguard the pensions and make it less likely that they will go bankrupt. ERISA has also expanded to cover a […]

man in a wheelchair

If your employer offers group long-term disability insurance, then you probably made a claim with the insurance company after falling ill or being injured. Once denied, you should begin considering whether to bring an appeal. To succeed on your denial of benefits claim, you’ll need to prove the following: You properly made your requests for […]

ERISA Long Term Disability Relevant to You

If you have a group long term disability plan, then ERISA is definitely relevant for you. The fact is that many people will end up with a disability at some point in their working life. The statistics are staggering. According to the Social Security Administration, about 25% of 20-year-olds will have a disability before they […]

ERISA Claims

If you need help, reach out to an ERISA Claims Lawyer today! What is ERISA? ERISA is short for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Congress passed the legislation in response to events in the 1960s in which large companies went out of business and were unable to pay pension benefits to their […]

ERISA Appeal Folder

Need help with an ERISA appeal? Contact ERISA claims lawyer John Peace today! If you were denied a benefit, you must decide whether you want to ask the plan to reconsider its denial, which is the nature of an appeal. However, you must decide whether it is worth your time to bring an appeal. Asking […]